Our Mission

Helping you attract your own luck & reach your full potential.

One-off session

You: “I just want to shift perspective on a topic, have a shot of positivity or make an important decision.”

Me: I will be happy to accompany you during this one-off session to get more clarity & be happier.

3-months program

You: “I feel stuck; I want more from my life; I feel I have an untapped potential, in my personal growth path, my work or my relationships”

Me: we will meet once a week, agree on your specific objectives and I will accompany you during these 3 months to REACH your goals.

Group Coaching & Speaking

You: “I am seeking an inspirational speaker that communicates with impact for a conference, an event or group coaching”

Me: I am passionate about SPEAKING and I am an expert at accompanying a group reach a wished outcome.